Does Family Law in Los Angeles differ from Family Law in Houston?
Family Law in Los Angeles and Houston both possess similar general principles and statutes. However, there are some significant differences between the two cities' family law practices. In Los Angeles, attorneys must be aware of the local court rules specific to each county; while in Houston, attorneys must abide by state-wide laws that apply throughout all of Texas.
In Los Angeles, the court system is a unified statewide system where all family law matters are heard by the same group of judges. This can make it easier to know how rulings in one case may affect another. In Houston, however, there are different courts for family law cases depending on the county. Each county has its own set of rules and regulations, which can be complex and time-consuming to know. You can call Land Legal Group, a Los Angeles family law firm to help you with your California family law matter.
In Los Angeles, the laws for spousal support are very different from those in Houston. Spousal support is determined differently between the two cities; with Los Angeles utilizing a formula based on income earned by each spouse while Houston relies more heavily on lifestyle standards of living.
Los Angeles also has a greater number of options for couples to end their marriage. In Los Angeles, couples can choose from annulment, legal separation and divorce proceedings if they wish to terminate their marriage. On the other hand, in Houston, a couple only has the option of filing for a divorce.
If you are in Los Angeles you will need to contact a Los Angeles family lawyer to help you with your case. You can't use a lawyer from another state. You want to make sure they are in good standing with the bar as well.